Benefitting your employees and people local to the project
A common purpose for your business and the chosen project
A project that feels part of your workplace and a legacy on the ground
Working with Ark enables your organisation to offer something more to your employees; adding value to projects. Apart from the obvious benefits of making an environmental contribution to a project, your involvement will allow your business to make an impact outside of the day-to-day operation.
Moving away from the traditional 'away days', working on an Ark project will enable you and your colleagues to get together outside of the office. Employees will be able to see the challenges up close, use their expertise to provide solutions and contribute to a long term plan.
Forming a partnership with Ark will provide the opportunity to engage in long term projects, so your employees get to see results over many years; creating a legacy and a partnership. Through these projects, employees will work with familiar faces, and really engage in something that matters.